Tatyana ( 43 )

Kiew / Ukraine

Pianistin, klassische Klavierlehrerin
Sohn 2009
  • Englisch

Kiew , Ukraine

über mich:

Hello) I know that you have already seen my photos and want to know more about me)) I'll try ... I'm a dreamer, a romantic inside, and a crazy realist outside. The combination of the brightest contrasts is me) A delicate musician, professional pianist and piano teacher, caring daughter, and awesome mother???? (according to my son's opinion). I love life and ice cream????, children, old people, and dogs (they are very honest and open) I appreciate the sense of humor, it's so cool to laugh together, what do you say?))) What am I looking for in a relationship? LOVE To have something to talk about for hours and always be comfortable to be together and listen to the silence. I appreciate the ease in relationships and positiveness in people. I can be your inspiration, friend, life partner, tenderness and air, the mother of our child (with mutual desire), your good morning and maddening desire, but most of all I want to become your one and only love .. P.S. Friends say that I also cook deliciously )) ???????????? Hobby: Reisen, Orchideen, Tanzen, Zeichnen, ich mag klassische Oper und Ballett, Lesen.

meine Partnervorstellungen:

Bei einem Mann schätze ich Unabhängigkeit und den ständigen Wunsch, alles zu verbessern. Er schätzt seine Zeit.

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